Arochukwu Postal Code | Arochukwu Local Government Zip Code

On this page, you will find Arochukwu Postal Code | Arochukwu Zip Code.

Are you a resident in Arochukwu searching for the latest Arochukwu Postal code or Arochukwu Zip code? You are just on the right page as we bring to you the correct zip code for all regions and towns in Arochukwu local government area of Abia State.

On this page, all residence in Arochukwu can discover their area’s postal code just by going through our quick search postal code tables. We are a fast growing postal codes delivery service provider in Nigeria so you should expect nothing less.

Our content delivery of postal/zip codes in Arochukwu are arranged in a tabular and also alphabetically for easy discovery. You should be able to access your postal code within 2 minutes scrolling through our pages from anywhere in Nigeria.

See below for the correct Arochukwu Postal Code in Abia.

Area: Amaeke Abam Postal Code

All locations within Amaeke Abam, Abia State use the same postal code. See the table below.

Location Postcode
Idima 442106
Itum 442106
Ndi Agwu 442106
Ndi Ebelagu 442106
Ndi Ibom 442106
Ndi Ite 442106
Ndi Nsi 442106
Ugwu Aduenyi 442106

Arochuckwu town Postal Code

All the locations within Arochuckwu town use the same postal code. See the table below to confirm your location.

Location Postcode
Agbagwu 442101
Amangwu 442101
Amasa 442101
Amoba 442101
Amukwa 442101
Amuvi 442101
Asaga 442101
Atani 442101
Ibom 442101
Obinkita 442101
Isinkpu 442101
Oror 442101
Ugbo 442101
Ugwu Avor 442101
Ugwuakuma 442101
Ujari 442101
Ulughangwu 442101

Area: Ihechiowa Postal Code

All the towns and villages in Ihechiowa use the same postal code. See the table below for confirmation of your location.

Location Postcode
Aboru 442104
Achara 442104
Agbor 442104
Amaetiti 442104
Amafia 442104
Amamiri 442104
Amiyi 442104
Atan 442104
Ebemofia 442104
Ndiokpo 442104
Nkporo 442104
Obicihie 442104
Obinto 442104
Okpo 442104
Umuchiakuma 442104
Umuye 442104
Umuzomgbo 442104

Aria: Isu Postal Code

Every town and village in Isu, Arochuckwu local government use the same postal code

Location Postcode
Aba Isu 442103
Amachi 442103
Amakarama 442103
Amukabi 442103
Iheosu 442103
Obieze 442103
Obomime 442103

Area: Ohafor Postal Code

All the towns and villages in Ohafor use the same postal code. See table below for your location.

Location Postcode
Amaelu 442107
Amaogbu 442107
Ameke 442107
Amuru 442107
Ndi Ebelagu 442107
Ndi Ememe 442107
Ndi Oji Ugwo 442107
Ndiebe 442107
Ndiya 442107
Oduenyi 442107
Ozu Abam 442107

Area: Ovukwu Abam Postal Code

All locations within Ovukwu Abam use the same postal code. See table below for your location.

Location Postcode
Ahuma  442105
Atan  442105
Eziafor  442105
Ndi Oji  442105
Ndi Okereke  442105
Ndi Okorie  442105
Ndi Okwara  442105

Area: Ututu Postal Code

All the locations within Ututu use the same postal code. See table below for your location.

location Postcode
Abuma 442102
Amaebem 442102
Amaeke 442102
Amakpofia 442102
Amankwu 442102
Amasa 442102
Amodu 442102
Eziama 442102
Nkpakpi 442102
Obiagwulu 442102
Obiakana 442102
Obiene 442102
Obijoma 442102
Obiluoko 442102
Ohomja 442102
Ubila 442102
Ugwo-Ogo 442102
Ukwuakwu 442102

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  1. Pingback: Abia State Postal Code - All Regions & LGAs Zip Codes | State | Nigerian Postal Code | NairaPostCode

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